Energy healing has been around for thousands of years. Every culture across the globe at one time utilized energy healing to balance the vital energy flowing within a person’s own body.
Western medicine plays a powerful role in today’s world; however, the energy healing from ancient times is still relevant. As a Brennan Healing Science practitioner, Nancy Lishack helps clients create optimal health in body, mind, and spirit.
The benefits include:
- Increase overall state of well being and health
- Decrease both acute and chronic pain
- Facilitates wound and burn healing
- Prevents swelling and bruising associated with contusions, sprains
- Decreases recovery time from acute illness
- Decreases side effects from chemo and radiation therapy
- Induces relaxation response
- Supports and facilitates other therapies and treatment
- Assists in stabilizing patients with a critical injury or illness
- Assists with emotional and spiritual healing
Specific post-operative benefits are:
- Decreases bleeding
- Decreases recovery time
- Decreases amount of medication needed
- Decreases pain