Exciting News!
Jessica Manns and I, along with our amazing committee members—Amanda Chirumbolo, Megan Kukic, Michele Lishack, Betsey Novosel, and Cally Watts—are very excited to organize the First-Annual RESOLVE Pittsburgh DIY Walk of Hope for Infertility on April 21, 2024, at The Cottage in South Park. This non-profit organization is the only patient advocacy in the U.S. that fights for the rights of all people who are struggling to build their families.
We are fundraising and raising awareness for RESOLVE to make a difference!
RESOLVE’S Mission and Programs
RESOLVE “is dedicated to ensuring that all people challenged in their family building journey reach resolution through being empowered by knowledge, supported by community, united by advocacy, and inspired to act.”
RESOLVE exists to provide:
- Access to Care
- Advocacy for Coverage
- Access to Support and Community
- Access to Education
- Awareness of All Family Building Options
To learn more about RESOLVE’s mission and resources, available to everyone, including support groups, Advocacy Day, and, of course, the DIY Walk of Hope, visit RESOLVE’s website at https://resolve.org/
To donate, create an INDIVIDUAL or TEAM fundraising page, visit the Pittsburgh, PA DIY Walk of Hope website at https://give.resolve.org/event/2024-pittsburgh-pa-diy-walk-of-hope/e495145
Donating through this website is simple, fast, and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to support RESOLVE’s Pittsburgh Walk of Hope. Your donation will help RESOLVE build a stronger community for people facing infertility. You will help support programs that increase access to medical care and family building options for all who need them.
Create an INDIVIDUAL or TEAM Fundraising page!
There are a variety of ways to create a fundraising effort! Team members make a difference by asking their colleagues, friends, family, and acquaintances to support them with a donation to the infertility movement and to honor those who have been touched by infertility. Together we will raise more money for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association than we ever could alone!
“The idea we can go it alone defies the natural world. We are like animals; we need ties to others to survive. We live in the shelter of each other.”
— Dr. Susan Love
For those grappling with infertility, the embrace of community is more than a source of solace — it is a lifeline, a sanctuary, and a wellspring of strength. In the shared laughter, the heartfelt conversations, and the silent companionship of fellow travelers, there resides a healing balm for the soul — a reminder that amidst the darkness, there is light, amidst the pain, there is comfort, and amidst the despair, there is hope.