You are probably familiar with the expression, “you are what you eat.” For those who are considering becoming pregnant, that saying should change to: You are what you eat, how you breathe, how much you exercise, how well you sleep, how you deal with stress — the list is endless. Preconception care means taking care […] Read more

Aug, 02, 2018


Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen  to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words. — Roy T. Bennet, The Light in the Heart   Dealing with an […] Read more

Sep, 05, 2017


When you are upset and hurting, a heart-to-heart talk with a close friend can do a world of good. Unfortunately, if you are dealing with fertility issues you might feel that there is no one who can understand what you are experiencing. For this reason, many turn to support groups. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association […] Read more

Dec, 10, 2016


Just relax. Diane Feliciani remembers hearing those two words again and again during her own journey with infertility. “I honestly thought I was relaxed but at the same time had no idea that there were ways in which you can make yourself relax,” she explains. “I also thought it was just a platitude that people […] Read more

Nov, 02, 2016


From the moment you discover you’re pregnant, you can’t stop visualizing the future. You imagine holding your baby; later blowing out birthday candles and some people even let their minds zoom far into the future to beach vacations, high school graduations and the child’s wedding day. A miscarriage is the loss of a baby and […] Read more

Aug, 21, 2016


If you find yourself repeating negative comments to yourself, acknowledge the negative self-talk and explore that thought. Ask yourself, “Is this really true?” Then, ask yourself another important question, “Would I talk like that to a friend?” Those two questions can help you treat yourself in a more positive light. As Joseph Campbell once said, […] Read more

Apr, 14, 2016


As soon as the crocuses and daffodils start breaking through the soil, people often feel their spirits lifting. Spring is such a miraculous season that it has been called the season of birth and renewal. Baby bunnies are born; birds prepare their nests and lay their eggs, the signs of new life are everywhere. As […] Read more

Mar, 04, 2016


Annie Dillard once said, “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.” With Valentine’s Day approaching, let’s reflect on how to incorporate this thought into your life. Take a moment and think about your favorite Valentine’s Day memory from your childhood. It was probably a day to giggle, eat candy and give […] Read more

Feb, 02, 2016


Imagine being told there was a way you could improve your health that costs absolutely nothing and can be done anywhere, at any time of the day or night. Would you think this is too good to be true? Well, it is true; according to Psychology Today, “breathing meditation has been shown to have a […] Read more

Jan, 11, 2016


The Christmas commercials hit the air waves before the last piece of Halloween candy was devoured. By now, you are used to being bombarded by images of large extended families, sharing laughs, sharing meals and, of course, trying to keep the Santa myth alive for the little ones. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, there’s […] Read more

Dec, 07, 2015


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